lunes, 8 de noviembre de 2010

Entrevista sobre Duke Nukem Forever (En ingles)

Una entrevista donde podemos ver como responden a varias dudas como por ejemplo la interactividad que habra con las strippers XD

EmbraceThePing: Would Gearbox consider making the game for PC then porting to console?

Randy Pitchford: The game has been developed on the PC the whole time. We're actually putting a lot of effort into porting it to the consoles. So yes, Windows PC, Xbox 360 and PS3.

a3gis: What was the biggest broken/fail feature in the existing code that Gearbox had to code around/remove?

Randy Pitchford: I'd seen the game many times over the years, they're down the street and I've known George for my entire professional career, a lot of us are friends between the studios, so we've had opportunities to see and play Duke Nukem Forever. Every time I've gone over there and had a look, I've been blown away. There's always some incredible thing, and I was like "Why can't you guys just commit to that, put it together and ship it". But those guys, they wanted perfection. I think that was part of the issue. I don't think you can sum up what went wrong. I think there's a lot of very smart people that have always been involved, and if you asked any of them, they'd all have slightly different takes on it. I think if there was a simple answer, they would have fixed that.

But it's been a lot of fun. Since we've been able to invest and bring everybody together and get the resources behind it, there's all sorts of little things we've been able to do to it. I think at the moment, that there's about five things that I can point to that I thought were incredible. There's also things that when you look at them, you think "Wow, really? Did you really need to put that in?". I'm thankful for it - but the things like the drawing on the whiteboard. That took some engineer about six months just to make that happen, and it's like, I'm thankful for that as a gamer, but it's not something you see in other games for a reason. At one point I played in the game there's a fully functioning pinball machine, and the pinball machine alone could be a commercial pinball machine. It's fully designed out. That probably took two or three guys a year just to make that one thing in the game. I was playing the pinball machine, and I made a mistake and lost the ball, and I just about shit myself, because when I did Duke Nukem says "Damn, I've got balls of fail".

EmbraceThePing: What is Gearbox's strategy to keep the Duke alive after release?

Randy Pitchford: When I made the investment to buy not just the game but the whole franchise, I didn't make such a decision without believing there was a future there. I haven't thought about the future, we haven't planned it yet, right now we have to be laser-focused on this game because if we work out a long-range plan and it's awesome, but all of the mind-share and attention that went to that prevented this game from happening, then that would be the worst mistake. So we have to put all of our attention on making sure this game is delivered. Only then will we take a deep breath, and when it's done we'll either be partying or weeping in a foetal position in the corner. Something will happen though, and then we can react to it and start thinking about the long-range.

EmbraceThePing: What ratings category will the Duke occupy?

Randy Pitchford: We're gonna do the best we can to respect local laws but to not be censored. I think censorship is terrible. I know that it would suck to not be able to have the game. Here's the thing about Duke though. Honestly, it pushes the boundaries, but it doesn't leap across the line. It dances on the line, it stomps on the line, it pees on the line, but it doesn't really cross the line. It's interesting too because the world we live in today, we all have the Internet. We have these machines with a screen that's a magic window to infinite porn and violence, and anything in a game like this is not going to freak us out compared to what we can see on the Internet. I think people like us need to pressure our local old fogies to figure it the f#$k out and relax a little bit. It's kind of interesting - I get that it's really helpful to have a ratings board to inform the customer about what to expect, especially when we have parents who want to make informed decisions about their children. I get that and respect that. I think though when it comes to the point where someone consumes some form of information or entertainment, and they decide that what they're seeing or feeling is - or should be - offensive, and the result of that is they should be able to make decisions about how other people consume it? I think that is a big f%$king problem, and we need to shut that shit down. I think you guys need to vote out all these assholes that are politicians that are making it a problem.

exe3: How much of the code and assets from the last developers have you been given access to? Anything at all, or are you starting from scratch?

Randy Pitchford: In terms of the plan for the game, the vision - I'd say it was 95% done. In terms of the actual effort, and the man-months involved, I calculated that over the time that 3D Realms had been making the game they'd spent somewhere between 3000 and 4000 man months. Our plan, by the time we ship we'll spend 2500 and 3000 man months. There's a lot of effort involved, everybody on the team is working day and night to make sure this happens. But in terms of the vision, the story we're playing, that's 3D Realms' vision. know you said it was hard to pin down what went wrong, but what's your take on it? Where do you think 3D Realms failed?

Randy: It's hard for any of us to judge from outside about what the decisions were like. I've known a lot of those guys for my entire professional career. I know that at any given moment their decisions made sense to them. And I know they're not stupid guys. On one level yeah they were obviously responsible, they were doing what they did so of course they were responsible. But it's really tough for me, as a creator, to not have some amount of respect for guys who are committed to a vision, committed to their goals, even in the face of what they dealt with. What do you think Steve?

Steve Gibson: I think that, from when I talk to guys who were in that situation, and came out - they all talked about very different perspectives on what went wrong. The thing is, if all these guys had the same idea on what went wrong, they probably would have fixed it. It's not simple. Were there any common themes among these different perspectives? You've mentioned a smaller sized team working on a Triple A title?

Randy: That was more of a newer problem. Back when they started teams were smaller. I don't know. Honestly that's probably a question that's better for the people that were in there. I was just like you, looking from the outside, so all I can do is speculate. You used an analogy to describe the situation, saying you felt like you were in an ambulance (Gearbox) behind a car wreck (DNF development) and you felt obliged to save Duke. Was there some part of your business sense that acted as a warning signal, that was telling you "Hang on, twelve years here, is this wreckage worth saving the people in the car, or am I going to get trapped in the car with them"?

Randy: I'll tell you what, imagine you had $20 million, and you could use that to invest in any brand or any concept in the entire industry. Whether it's an existing brand or even something you even helped come up with. Imagine if you had that. I think that a lot of us who work in the industry might decide that Duke Nukem Forever is on the very risky end of the entire spectrum. So yes, of course those thoughts crossed the mind. But also, when you're in that moment, talking about that analogy, if you let that thought deter you from doing what you know is the right thing and also what you know your heart is telling you to do, you'll probably regret that for the rest of your life. And I don't live my life with any regrets, and the reason is because of the decisions I make. You mention taking a risk there - is that part of your personality? You like to take a bet on things that other people may not touch?

Randy: I don't know. I mean, a lot of people might look at some of the things I've been involved in and some of the decisions that I've been responsible for, and might believe that I'm a high risk person. Like the decision to do a game like Borderlands, for example, people thought that was crazy. But from my point of view, if you also look at all the things that we've accomplished at Gearbox, together, and if you imagine that I'm not the sole decision maker, you think about how that works, you can also see that every single thing we've done has been successful. If you're all high risk, all the time, that's not how it works out. So I think collectively at the studio we have a lot of really good minds, and a lot of really good decision makers, and I'm thankful to be a part of that, and I'm thankful to be on the team with these guys. I think ultimately it'll be very clear that what we've done with Duke Nukem Forever, the decisions we've made and how we've approached that, will once again prove to be a very successful decision. Duke's humour is this kind of 1980's sensibility, the time of Rambo and Porkies films. Crude penis jokes. That sort of stuff.

Randy Pitchford: We don't have any of those kinds of jokes (laughs).

Steve Gibson: The humour has evolved (laughs). Do you think it's still relevant?

Randy Pitchford: What do you think? I don't know - I'm asking you the questions! I had a few chuckles, but I'm a hardcore nerdy sort of gamer. If you want to talk to the mainstream audience, who are a little bit more PC these days, do you think they're going to resonate with that?

Randy Pitchford: We'll see! If you want my honest opinion, I think it's kind of an obvious question. I think the reality of the situation is that it doesn't matter, there's a whole spectrum of things in this world, and you can find things at any point in the spectrum. Like gosh, I saw this movie on the plane called Hot Tub Time Machine which just made me laugh the whole time. It was just stupid and silly and hilarious, and I think the whole world is a moshpit of entertainment, and the whole spectrum is covered. I think Duke is hilarious, and we love him, and he has been relevant this entire time. It's not because of the good games that have come out, because there haven't been any. He's been relevant this entire time because the fans have kept him relevant.

Steve Gibson: Yeah, that was a very succinct answer! You mentioned you've hired a lot of the guys who were working on the game originally. Do you foresee these guys staying with you after Duke?

Randy Pitchford: I don't know. To me, so much of Duke is Alan. I don't want to imagine a world where Alan is not a part of Duke, and Duke is not a part of Alan. I don't want to imagine that. So you're obviously thinking this is the first Duke in a series...

Randy Pitchford: When you buy a franchise, you don't do that to one-shot it. But I haven't put a single ounce of mindshare to the future, because the focus right now is on delivering this thing that has had so much drama, and we've been waiting so long for this. I know everyday that's all these guys are thinking about. We're all in. Australia is quite important for Gearbox, in particular in terms of sales. You guys have done very well here. We also have draconian censorship laws. How much pressure do you guys feel to self-censor yourself, knowing that we're quite an important market.

Randy Pitchford: How much pressure do you feel as an Australian citizen to fix your laws? We do what we can. You know what it's like though.

Randy Pitchford: I hate censorship. The last thing I ever want to do is censor myself. I get frustrated that there are territories where we sometimes find ourselves in spots where we either... the content doesn't reach that customer, or change the content. I hate the fact that I even have to make such decisions. I don't want to make such decisions, and I wish more of the world would get it, and stop worrying about such things, and start realising that the more comfortable we are with information and entertainment, the faster we'll all go. It's interesting that you put the onus on us as gamers to change things, but as the business who is making money from this market, shouldn't you also be involved in that process?

Randy Pitchford: Oh yeah. We don't have a lot of credibility though. We're not constituents of the local population, so we don't vote for the people who are making your decisions for you. Secondly, we look like we're on the outside just trying to profit from the population. So if we say, hey, you guys should change your laws, they say you don't care about the wellbeing of our population, you're just trying to take money from us. So we have no credibility. It could actually injure your cause for us to make too big of a statement. It's the people in any society that have to create their own rights. Sorry, it's kind of an American attitude. We burned our King down and kicked him out of our country. We gave our citizens the rights to carry guns in case our government ever gets wily so we can shoot back at them.

vcatkiller: How interactive are the strippers?

Randy Pitchford: I like how that follows the censorship question.

Steve Gibson: I'd say we're very excited for people to see them and experience that, but that's a spoiler man. Thank you very much guys!

Fuente: Games On Net

viernes, 22 de octubre de 2010

Avance de Duke Nukem Forever

He encontrado un interesante avance de DNF, he decidido publicarlo, aqui nos relata con más detalle la histora del juego además del gamplay, ¡pero tened en cuenta de la fuente de este artículo!

"La historia del juego es continuista, es decir, en Duke Nukem Forever, los hechos transcurren 12 años después de Duke Nukem 3D (prácticamente el tiempo que han tardado en desarrollar el título). Tras salvar la tierra de la invasión alienígena, Duke es ahora famoso y lleva la vida que siempre ha querido llevar. Es rico, conocido en todo el mundo, y se ha montado una especie de hotel casino en Las Vegas donde vive rodado de todos los vicios que siempre había soñado. Alcohol, juego y mujeres, muchas mujeres ligeras de ropa y vestidas de forma muy sexy que le regalan a diario los placeres carnales que el desea. Muestra de ello son las gemelas que aparecen en la demo durante una escena verdaderamente “Dukenista” por así llamarla.

Prosiguiendo con la historia, los alienígenas vuelven a la tierra 12 años después de su desaparición, pero esta vez aseguran venir en son de paz, y el presidente de los Estados Unidos de América le pide a nuestro Duke que se mantenga al margen. Pero nada más lejos de la realidad, ya que las verdaderas intenciones de los visitantes son raptar a las mujeres terrestres para procrear con ellas, y así crear un ejercito muy numeroso. El único que se da cuenta de ello es, como no podía ser de otra forma, nuestro chico, y procede a la acción, tomándose la justicia por su mano a pesar de las posibles consecuencias.

Esta situación es la que envuelve a Duke Nukem Forever, pero ¿cómo se desarrolla el juego en su apartado jugable? Ahora mismo os adelantamos que la cosa está calentita y promete mucho. El manejo es sin duda de lo más fácil de llevar, y la forma de jugar mantiene el encanto de la saga, con un modo muy arcade, cargado de acción sin prácticamente descanso y escenarios donde avanzaremos de forma lineal para arrasar todo lo que encontremos a nuestro paso.
La forma de acabar con nuestros enemigos será a través de los diferentes disparos que podremos realizar con nuestras armas, que serán de lo más variopintas. Una de ellas, la clásica Shrink Ray, nos permitirá convertir a los alienígenas en diminutos personajes para luego realizar la famosa patada de aplastamiento. La utilidad de esto no la hemos visto demasiado clara, ya que es harto complicado lograr un segundo de relax para actuar con tranquilidad, pero eso si, es muy divertido ver a un extraterrestre con el cuerpo de Arnold Schwarzenegger y la cabeza de Jabalí en un tamaño de apenas escasos centímetros.

En otro orden de cosas, el apartado técnico del juego, de lo que hemos podido ver hasta ahora, no es que destaque enormemente por su alto nivel de detalle, no podemos esperar un juego con escenarios y personajes muy realistas. Ahora bien, el juego tampoco nos pide eso, Duke Nukem Forever apenas nos dejará tiempo para pensar, ya que la acción se sucede sin demora, y segundo tras segundo estaremos atentos a todo lo que se nos viene encima. En ese sentido, el juego responde de una manera más que notable, y teniendo en cuenta que se ha desarrollado bajo el Unreal Engine 3 de Epic Games podéis imaginaros el nivel que tiene.

En definitiva, Duke ha vuelto, y lo hace en su nueva entrega Duke Nukem Forever, donde volveremos a controlar a uno de nuestros héroes favoritos de PC de la década de los 90. Maleducado, machista, bruto, y con un humor contundente y directo, disfrutaremos sin lugar a dudas en todas y cada una de las situaciones del título de 2k Games. ¡¡Preparaos para patear culos alienígenas!!"

jueves, 14 de octubre de 2010

Ponte traje, va a ser legendario

Va a ser grande. Duke es un gran título triple A.

La campaña es enorme. Es, probablemente, tres veces más grande en tamaño que el último juego de Call of Duty. Es genial de la cabeza a los pies.

Siempre que lo juego, en el momento que sea, lo paso genial y quiero ver qué ocurre después. Hay cosas muy locas y, con respecto a eso… si esperas que esto sea algo que se va a ir desinflando, una cosa de bajo presupuesto, al final dirás: ‘¡Dios mío, no era una broma!’

Si esperas que sea perfecto, no va a ser perfecto. Creo que nada puede justificar 12 años, pero creo que es asombroso lo grande que es, especialmente cuando de repente está aquí. Para la gente que está fuera, parece salido de la nada.

En efecto caballeros, Duke Nukem Forever tendrá tres veces el tamaño de Modern Warfare 2

martes, 12 de octubre de 2010

Muchas novedades de Duke Nukem Forever

No he podido actualizar debido a falta de tiempo, pero por fin puedo poner todas las nuevas novedades que ha habido estos dias, obviamente algunas con retraso:

Lo primero de todo, la nueva demo en el Fristlook

¿Quieres jugar a la demo de DNF? ¡Atento!

De acuerdo a lo confirmado por 2K games, la versión de Juego del Año de "Borderlands", que incluye sus 4 expansiones, traerá un código para unirte al First Access Club de 2K Games.
Con esta clave, además de otras muchas cosas, podrás probar la Demo de Duke Nukem Forever mucho antes de que se haga pública.

IMPORTANTE: Esto NO quiere decir de que la demo este incluida Borderlands.

Más noticias:

Sobre el tráiler

Randy Pitchford, presidente de Gearbox Software, ha comentado a la prensa en Londres que no crearán un nuevo tráiler ya que “no quieren que sus amigos de Take2 Games sean castigados por su creatividad”. El tráiler mostrado en Londres tenía ciertos elementos como pechos desnudos, strippers, tangas o palabras mal sonantes. Con este contenido temen que la PEGI y el ESRB les censuren el video.

La inversión personal de George Broussard

Si alguno dudaba del compromiso de George Broussard con el juego, diversas fuentes como comentan que el presidente de 3D Realms invirtió entre 20 y 30 millones de dólares de su propio bolsillo para el desarrollo del juego. Por supuesto, es un dinero que ha perdido pero se ha ganado la admiración de muchos fans de Duke.

Juego en red para Duke Nukem Forever

Algunas fuentes alemanas como apuntan a que Duke Nukem Forever no estará basado en Steam o Windows Live Games para la implementación del multijugador. Según declaraciones de Randy Pitchford, entiende que a los consumidores no les gusta ser controlados.

Juego en red para Duke Nukem Forever

Algunas fuentes alemanas como apuntan a que Duke Nukem Forever no estará basado en Steam o Windows Live Games para la implementación del multijugador. Según declaraciones de Randy Pitchford, entiende que a los consumidores no les gusta ser controlados.

Tambien hay muchas imagenes nuevas del PAX:
Podeis ver estas imagenes y muchisimás más aqui 


Duke España

sábado, 18 de septiembre de 2010

Duke España cumple 7 años

Asi es, Duke España, el mayor portal hispano de Duke Nukem cumple 7 años, y con ello vuelve su hemeroteca la cual tiene articulos, reviews y anuncios de revistas. 

Queremos felicitar desde este blog a Duke España por el tiempo que han dedicado a Duke y les deseamos que duren mucho tiempo más.
La resurección de DNF no solo quiere decir que el juego más esperado de la historia saldrá a la venta, significa

Un saludo y buena suerte.

sábado, 11 de septiembre de 2010

Gran post recopilatorio sobre DNF en el foro de GearBox

Todo esto, obviamente sacado el foro de GearBox, con la colaboración de Duke España
TRAILERS - 1998 original - 1998 remasterizado - 2001 trailer - 2007 teaser


  14. - Duke Nukem Forever GAMEPLAY 2KGames (HD) @ PAX Sept. 2010 - HD - continuación del stream de arriba - ustream copy (mal cámara) - otro stream? - recopilación de fotos - destructoid entrevista a randy pitchford - inside gaming con randy pitchford - gamerlive con brian martel - gametrailers/brian martel - mas streams de la demo - spoony experiments thoughts/video - mala video review de duke - hardware canucks footage, HD

VIDEOS VARIADOS - la historia de DNF (recopilación de imagenes, 10 minutos de duración) - leaks varios (de Abril) - más vídeos (de febrero 2010 con el logo de gearbox?) - John St John autografiando frases de Duke - podcast

ARTICULOS - pax prime - wired - gamespot - shacknews - newsarama - destructoid (muchas fotos) - eurogamer - ign - Todo lo que necesitas saber del retorno de Duke (kotaku) - UGO (del twitter de GB) - comic - penny arcade comic - Artículo de Giantbomb por Jeff Gerstmann - something awful - game stooge - hands on, - entrevista con Mikey y Randy - pequeña noticia en Ripten - unas pocas fotos de PAX - Joystiq hands on, positivo!

domingo, 5 de septiembre de 2010

El sueño se hace realidad.

"Sorprendetemente, Duke Nukem Forever ha aparecido en la Penny Arcade Expo con una demo jugable y la ‘confirmación’ de un lanzamiento a comienzos de 2011. Anucio significativo ya que no hay en la historia de los videojuegos un título tan anunciado, abandonado, esperado, retrasado y resucitado como Duke Nukem Forever, continuación de la serie de shooters en primera persona desarrollados por 3D Realms en los años 90. "

¡Al fin!¡ El momento que todos los fans de los FPS esperaban! Duke Nukem Forever ha sido anunciado por GearBox para comienzos del 2011. Tras 13 (trece) años de espera, podemos volver a decir: Hail to he king Baby!
Aqui está el video de la cola que hubo para jugar a la demos... ¡Impresionante!


lunes, 30 de agosto de 2010

Dukeplus 2.11

Ha salido la nueva version de Dukeplus, donde encontramos muchas mejoras:

"Duke Plus 2.11 Released
Incorporated Muelsa’s DukeBike into DukePlus, with some enhancements. Try it out using Muelsa’s maps (named and in the dpmaps folder).
Added some new lighting effects for level designers (see DPEFFECTS, SE 49).
Monster corpses and items float on shallow water instead of becoming invisible under the surface.
Karate kicks are easier to aim (they will auto-aim at nearby enemies)
Added check point support and a menu disabling option for those making DukePlus based TCs
Got rid of edited and, and instead use tilefromtexture for only the needed tiles. This allows compatibility with mods that modify those art files, such as Nuclear Winter and Caribbean Vacation.
New pickup sounds for some weapons and items to replace the old Duke beep.
Comes with new and improved version of EDuke32

domingo, 29 de agosto de 2010

¿Gearbox desarrollando Duke Nukem Forever?

"Gearbox, el equipo detrás del exitoso Borderlands, son quienes han asumido el rol de cumplir lo imposible: que Duke Nukem Forever salga algún día a la venta. Al menos eso es lo que afirman las fuentes anónimas de Kotaku, aunque desde el estudio nadie ha dicho esta boca es mía, sino que más bien nos emplazan a la Penny Arcade Expo (el 3 de septiembre) para conocer qué tienen que anunciar (que podría estar relacionado con Duke Nukem, pero no ser el juego que todo el mundo espera desde tiempos inmemoriales).

Ahora mismo quien tiene los derechos es Take-Two, quien pagó una buena millonada para hacerse con el que podía haber sido el bombazo de 2009, y 2008, y 2007... y así hasta ya casi ni sabemos el año en que se mostró algo por primera vez. Ellos tampoco han querido hacer comentario alguno, así que no hay confirmación oficial ni nada que se le parezca por el momento. El único dato adicional que tenemos es que se espera una demo para finales de año, lo que desde luego sería un grandísimo avance: 13 años para una demo, ¿quizá dentro de 30 o así tendremos el juego completo?"

Fuente: Meristation

¿Será este el principio del fin de la larga espera? Como siempre, no podemos hacer otra cosa que esperar.

domingo, 20 de junio de 2010

Falsa Alarma

La imagen en la pagina de Valve resulto ser un fake. Por lo tanto Duke Nukem Forever sigue abandonado cual cachorro en una perrera esperando a que lo acojan.

La encuesta seguira activa para ver la opinion de los usuarios sobre lo que hubiera podido ser.

jueves, 17 de junio de 2010

Duke Nukem Forever de la mano de.... ¡¿Valve?!

Se han disparado los rumores de que la archiconocida Valve, empresa creadora de juegos como Half Life, Team Fortress y Counter Strike pordira ser finalmente la empresa que acabe y lanze Duke Nukem Forever al mercado, y todo debido a una imagen que se pudo ver en la web de valve hace unos dias.

A alguien se le ocurrio aumentar el brillo de la imagen. Y el resultado fue este:

"That looks curiously like the Duke, doesn’t it? Also interesting are the Take 2 logos, and the Source logo that’s been appended with a 2. Is Valve bringing us a new engine. Source, while fantastic and modular is producing games that are looking a little dated.

Is it possible that Valve snapped up the rights from now defunct 3D Realms, and will be bringing us Duke Nukem Forever on a new Source engine? I find it rather unlikely. Valve have enough to do to keep their Half-Life fan base happy – they need episode 3, or even Half Life 3, and they need it soon. Duke Nukem Forever is also currently at the centre of a large legal battle. The IP is still owned by 3D Realms.

Valve are also generally much better at these sort of games. they tend to be pretty clever, using all manner of ways to encrypt their communiqué. this seems much too basic for them.


lunes, 14 de junio de 2010

Nuevo diseño del blog.

A pesar de haber cambiado el diseño del blog a principios del año, aprovechando las nuevas plantillas que Blogger a añadido, he vuelto a actualizar la vista, también he habilitado una encuesta para que los lectores opinen sobre el nuevo aspecto.

sábado, 12 de junio de 2010

Rayo de luz despues de la tormenta.

Take-Two Interactive y 3D Realms han decidido aparcar sus disputas judiciales en torno a Duke Nukem y, aunque no se han dado detalles adicionales, parece que podría haberse resuelto a través de un acuerdo extrajudicial. En cualquier caso, podría abrir de nuevo el acamino a Duke Nukem Forever.

Las demandas cruzadas que ambas compañías se habían interpuesto han sido retiradas. Son las demandas que se presentaron a raíz de la cancelación definitiva del desarrollo de Duke Nukem Forever.

El documento oficial del juzgado indica que cada parte deberá pagar la parte correspondiente de las tasas legales, y han acordado no buscar más compensaciones económicas o sanciones. Es decir, que ya no pueden volver a presentar demandas por este conflicto.

Fuente: E3

lunes, 5 de abril de 2010

Nuevo Video de Duke Nukem Forever

Lo que vemos no es realmente nuevo, pero algo es algo

jueves, 25 de marzo de 2010

Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project anunciado para Xbox Live

A través del organismo de certificación por edades coreano hemos podido saber de la existencia de Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project, un videojuego para Xbox Live Arcade que todavía no ha sido anunciado.

Lo que ya sabemos, en cambio, es que el programa homenajea a una de las más desconocidas entregas de la saga Duke Nukem, la que respondía al mismo nombre y que apareció en compatibles durante 2002 y que devolvía al protagonista a los inicios de los videojuegos con un shooter de scroll lateral en 2D.

domingo, 14 de marzo de 2010

Esto ya es pasarse...

¡¿Que demonios?! ¡Acabo de encontrar un articulo que comparan a Duke Nukem FOrever con la reforma sanitaria en américa.

En fin.... "Estan locos estos americanos"

"The Truth Comes Out: Healthcare Reform is the Legislative Equivalent of "Duke Nukem Forever"

On the issue of healthcare reform, the time has come to poo or get off the pot. The President is certainly not letting anyone in Congress get off the pot. Even after a year of sitting on it, their buttocks creased and reddened from the hard ceramic seat, they still have nothing to show for it.

Leaders in both houses are now promising that a bill will appear on the President's desk in just two weeks, which is almost exactly the same thing they've been announcing every other week since August of last year. It all makes you wonder what the hell has been going on this whole time.

I think I figured it out. Healthcare reform is the legislative equivalent of "Duke Nukem Forever." "

Para los interesados, el artículo sigue aqui.

lunes, 1 de marzo de 2010

Top 10 de razones por las cuales se canceló Duke Nukem Forever

Acabo de encontrar un artículo, de opinión, hay un par de cosas que no me gustan mucho como por ejemplo decir que Duke no es un buen personaje.... O se queja de su humor, que a mi siempre me pareció genial, veamos que tienen estos tipos de PlanetXbox360 que tienen que decir.... Aunque al menos se podrían haber currado una crítica constructiva en vez de ponerlo a parir...

"Duke Nukem Forever is one of the most infamous video games in our industry, mainly for the reason that it's been in development for longer than any other title. As with the Bermuda triangle DNF has been illusive to gamers and game journalists for the past ten years, we have seen it at trade shows and a couple leaked photos have been discovered but no one has ever put their hands on the game, for good reason. There were moments where we thought Duke Nukem may actually make an appearance on next-gen consoles, but it wasn't meant to be. 3D Realms has had it's own share of issues but the true story comes with the game that could never be released, and today we decided to look at the top 10 reasons Duke Nukem Forever was cancelled.

10. Avoiding Controversy: Let’s face it; Duke Nukem Forever would definitely have featured enough objectionable content to give most conservatives an aneurysm. Excessive violence, swearing, probably some ‘drug’ references (alcohol of course, Duke seems like a beer and whiskey guy), along with inevitable partial nudity. In Duke Nukem 3d there were points where you’d stumble upon some strippers and handing them a wad of cash got them to flash their pixilated, tassel-covered breasts at you. That managed to go mostly unavoided, but with the significant graphics upgrades, there’d be a lot more fallout at the barest hint of side boob.

9. Adolescent Humor: Duke and his wisecracks were pretty funny when many of us were in our early teens and blasting mutated pig cops while marveling at the subtle wit involved in this design choice. These days though it’d start to wear quite thin by the end. Given the state of current pop culture and the even greater fondness for slapstick/gross-out humor things might have been even worse than I imagined.

8. PSP/DS/Wii Versions: Don’t get me wrong, I love all three of these systems, but all too often developers feel that we need a separate version of the game for each. This usually ends up being a substantially neutered and trimmed down port that instead of embracing the difference in control schemes simply does its best to ape the more powerful home consoles. Given that the stories are the same as well there’s very little reason to pick up any of these sadder younger siblings other than perhaps brand loyalty.

7. An Answer: For years Duke Nukem Forever has been the will-they-won’t-they of the gaming world. While women everywhere were re-watching Friends and obsessing over Ross and Rachel’s tumultuous relationship their boyfriends and husbands were poring over the internet, many hunting for any news of the game’s status. Cancellations and delays were popular rumor fodder for gaming sites on slow news days and every screenshot was dissected for every shred of extrapolation-worthy information. But now we know, the question is solved. Some are probably upset that the metaphysical eight ball came up ‘no’, but it’s better than the ‘cannot answer now, try again later’ we’d been staring at for so long.

6. Go Forth And Program: This is probably good news for the staff as well as us. Development had been going for years on this title with the public never seeing anything even close to a rough build for the game. The most complete piece we saw was a brief trailer that was just animated footage, no actual game play. Everyone working for 3d Realms was likely frustrated with the whole process. Imagine trying to cook yourself a tasty dinner only to have someone throw out what you’d made every ten minutes and force you to start over. Pretty soon you’d be incredibly hungry and irritated with the whole process and dissatisfied with your lot in life. I can’t help but wonder if that’s what led to the death of the game. Though if the development staff hasn’t actually released a game since 1997 who knows how far behind their workers could be lagging in skills.

5. Inevitable Disappointment: The longer a creative process takes the more its impending consumers build up the dream of what it will be in their heads. Unaware of the specific challenges and issues developers are facing in the process of making a game we often assume that delays are due to the desire for perfection. Often times this isn’t the case and we go in expecting a tender, juicy filet mignon and are instead greeted by the hearty smell of a cheeseburger. Sure, it might be an excellent burger with crisp apple wood smoked bacon and aged Vermont cheddar, but it’s just not as good as the steak would have been. After more than ten years of development Duke Nukem Forever would have to be the greatest title ever produced to not fall short of expectations.

4. You Have Just Saved $60: There are some titles that no matter how excited you are about them it’s just not worth paying full price. Let your buddy shell out the cash and you’ll just borrow it, or better yet go to his place for some co-op. Yet I feel fairly confident that many would have run out and thrown down for a pre-order for DNF, if only because waiting any longer would be torturous after hovering in anticipatory limbo for so long. So now you can pat yourself on the back for saving the money to put towards something else.

3. No Explaining To Younger Gamers: It’s amazing how having to explain a cultural icon from your youth to someone a mere decade younger can make you feel the weight of every year on your shoulders. Duke Nukem’s original adventure dates back to 1991, the days of ripped-up jeans and shareware games. Since then he’s had three more outings, with most of his ‘games’ after that being ports of Duke Nukem 3d. So for most of the kids out there he’s a relic of the past, a muscle-bound hieroglyph whose origins and nature are puzzling.

2. He’s Not That Great A Character: Let’s face it, Duke Nukem is a dinosaur, a leftover relic from the days when good writing was only for puzzle games and some RPGs. These days there are far more compelling heroes with real stories behind them. It’s easy to see the influence of Duke Nukem in characters like Nathan Drake and Master Chief, but Duke was simply a cardboard cut-out action hero stereotype, all one liners, biceps and sunglasses. Most action games are striving to make players connect in some manner with their hero/antihero by establishing more motivations than simple desire to kick ass and chew gum. Good gameplay is still the most crucial element of a quality shooter, but nowadays we want a story with our action. Maybe just a side order, but it’s still necessary.

1. No Waiting For The Sequel: Let’s face it, had this game made it onto the shelves it’d likely have moved enough copies to warrant a sequel. But how long would that take? Development for DNF started before the year two thousand and it took more than ten years before they gave up. Given that as a general matter of course game development is taking longer and longer as more features and better graphics become standard it’s impossible to guess how long it’d be before a second chapter in the post-millennial adventures of Duke Nukem came to fruition."

jueves, 25 de febrero de 2010

Detalles de la oferta de Duke Nukem 3D en Xbox

Microsoft nos informa sobre la nueva oferta de la semana en Xbox Live, al parecer nuestro querido Duke solo se rebajara esta semana cuyo precio es de 400 Microsoft Points (unos 5 euros al cambio), frente los 800 que cuesta habitualmente, lo que supone un ahorro del 50%.

jueves, 18 de febrero de 2010

¡Duke Nukem 3D a mitad de precio la semana que viene!

Duke Nukem 3D en su versión para Xbox Live reducirá su precio a la mitad según desvela George Broussard a través de la red social Twitter.

El productor 3D del servicio online de Microsoft ha comentado que el actual precio de 800 Microsoft Points se reducirá a 400 a partir del próximo 22 de febrero.
Por el momento se desconoce si la oferta será temporal al estilo de “juego de la semana” de Xbox Live, pero es probable que termine el lunes siguiente a la puesta en marcha de la oferta.

sábado, 6 de febrero de 2010

Nuevo Gameplay de Duke Nukem Forever

La verdad esque me sigue pareciendo muy interesante. Aunque la sangre no me acaba de gustar.

Y porsupuesto, Mientras hay vida, hay esperanza
Si pensabais que la rumorología en torno Duke Nukem Forever había acabado definitivamente tras la desaparición de su desarrolladora, estabais muy equivocados. Ha pasado apenas un mes desde que entramos en 2010 y una vez más volvemos a oír que, quizá este año sí, llegue por fin a las tiendas.

La primera evidencia es la de un hombre clave en la creación de un personaje legendario en el mundo de los videojuegos: el doblador de Duke. Hace poco en una presentación nada relacionada con este título no faltó quien le preguntó por él, no fuera a saber algo que nosotros aún no conocemos. La respuesta no pudo ser más ambigua y directa a la vez: afirmó que no podía decir nada al respecto, y ante la cara de asombro de los asistentes continuó diciendo...

- "¡Por favor!, ¡leed entre líneas! ¿Por qué no puedo hablar nada sobre el tema?

He aqui el nuevo gameplay

lunes, 4 de enero de 2010

¡Feliz Año! una gran noticia y un nuevo mapa.

Con un poco de retraso felicito el año a todos los lectores del blog, y de "Regalo" de estas navidades lo unico que puedo hacer es cambiar un poco el aspecto del blo y de paso actualizar con un nuevo mapa para Duke Nukem 3D, que lo disfruteis.

También hay una IMPORTANTISIMA noticia sobre DNF, y esque se ha dado explicación a su cancelamiento:

"Duke Nukem Forever ha sido cancelado hace ya unos meses, sin embargo no dejan de surgir informes que explican la pésima finalización del proyecto, y uno de ellos parece responder a los caprichos de sus principales responsables.

El informe surge de un reportaje de la revista Wired, que recoge los testimonios de una serie de miembros del equipo de 3DRealms que, desde el anonimato, critican duramente a George Broussard, presidente del estudio.

Según parece Broussard comentaba que podían pasar "cinco años más desarrollando el videojuego" por los fondos, posibilidad que aterraba a los programadores que, obviamente, veían algo descorazonador en sumar otro lustro a la ya de por sí longeva producción.

Los retrasos estaban a la orden del día, y al parecer a menudo estaban relacionados con caprichos del propio Broussard. “Un día George empezó a pedir niveles con nieve… acababa de ver La cosa”, comenta uno de los entrevistados que comenta que en la oficina bromeaban con no dejar ver a su presidente nuevos videojuegos por sus constantes cambios ante cualquier referencia.

Llegado el año 2006 el equipo de 18 personas con el que habían iniciado el desarrollo se reveló muy escaso, y el presidente se decidió a ampliar la plantilla en casi el doble de efectivos. El presupuesto por aquel entonces escaseaba con más de 20 millones de dólares gastados, y Broussard tuvo que pedir otros 6 millones a Take-Two –sus distribuidores-, petición que fue denegada y que dio con la cancelación del título.

Importante: Aunque escrita por mi, esta información que ofrezco a continuación la redacte para Duke España también el link de descarga pertenece a dichja web.


El mapa comienza en un corredor de la caverna. El despues del corredor, entraremos en un area interesante, con algunos enemigos,seguir avanzando.... y seguir matando...

Entre la colocación de salud bien equilibrada, munición escasa, y emboscadas del enemigo le da el mapa de la tensión suficiente como para seguir jugando, ademas tiene detalles, y una buna iluminación. El autor hace un buen uso de la selección de los enemigos. El mapa no tiene complicación en lo que a puzles se refiere, el mapa en si no es más que matar enemigos y buscar una tarjeta. Lo malo del mapa es que es ademas es corto, se puede pasar en menos de 20 minutos. El fin en sí mismo es obvio, incluso,se podria deicr que decepcionante. No hace falta que ahorres tus pipeboms o RPG porque no encontraras un jefe final al que enfrentarte.

Un mapa entretenido, para pasar un rato en el que no tengas nada que hacer, nada del otro mundo, es posible que te quedes con ganas de más.

Puedes descargarlo dando click aqui