Ha salido la versión 2.05 de Dukeplus, que contiene algunos cambios, y también algun nivel nuevo:
DukePlus 2.05 Released
* Duke Plus Community Build Project, an epic new level that took months of hard work by several mappers (see the txt file for details)
* Haunted Castle, a new level by Mia Max, designed only for the HRP
* Scar City, a new level by Spiker
* From Base To Base, a new level by Carthief
* All of these new maps are accessible from the Duke Plus Levels episode. Play them now!
* Added Quick Pipebomb key (replaces AIM DOWN, which we don’t need because we all use mice to aim). Very convenient, can be used while holding any weapon except the pipebomb itself
* Some bug fixes
Lo podeis descargar en su página oficial: http://deeperthought.dukertcm.com/dp/